converting real media audio

Dan Pelleg daniel+bsd at
Wed Nov 12 08:29:16 PST 2003

Joan Picanyol i Puig <lists-freebsd-questions at> writes:

> [please honour, Mail-Followup-To:, not subscribed]
> * Dan Pelleg <daniel+bsd at> [20031112 15:12]:
>> Joan Picanyol <lists-freebsd-questions at> writes:
>> > [please honour Mail-Followup-To:, not subscribed]
>> > I've found two speeches in Real Audio format I'd like to burn on a CD.
>> > I'm able to reproduce them fine with linux-reaplayer, but sox doesn't
>> > understand the format. What's the one liner to dump what is sounding on
>> > my speakers to a file sox can convert (which device shoud I cat?)? Is
>> > there some utility to convert from .rm files to .wav?
>> Run realplayer under linux-vsound (in the ports).
> Thanks for the tip, however it doesn't quite work:
> (16:24:25 <~>) 0 $ vsound -f appel.wav
> /usr/local/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay /home/pub/25/Audio/appel\[1\].rm 
> Missing file ./
> This means that the libvsound wrapper did not work correctlty. A 
> possible reason is that the program you are trying to run is 
> setuid. In this case you will need to run vsound as root.
> (16:24:51 <~>) 0 $ sudo vsound -f appel.wav
> /usr/local/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay /home/pub/25/Audio/appel\[1\].rm 
> Missing file ./
> This means that the libvsound wrapper did not work correctlty. A 
> possible reason is that the program you are trying to run is 
> setuid. In this case you will need to run vsound as root.
> (16:27:22 <~>) 0 $ ls -l /usr/local/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay
> -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  1247004 Nov  5 17:16
> /usr/local/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay
> What am I doing wrong?

My notes (for streaming media) have the -d and -s switches. My guess is
what you actually need is just the -d.


  Dan Pelleg

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