Mount SMB share on bootup

Chirhart, Brian bchirhart at
Mon Nov 10 12:21:50 PST 2003

>> point is password protected (on the XP side) so I am prompted for a
>> password.  How can I automate that?  Or should I create the share without
>> password?  I am not too worried about internal security so the share
>> have no password and that would be fine.

>Create a script called, chmod +x 755 and put that
>script in a /usr/local/etc/rc.d.

>Put the following lines in that script

>smbmount username=user password=pass and the rest of the parametars that
>are normaly using when mounting smb partition.

>Mind that if your startup script for samba is your mounting script
>must start with a letter after the letter s otherwise you would mounting a
>samba share without smb daemon started.


When I try the smbmount I get a "command not Found"

I checked the man pages on mount and found mount_smbfs, but I can not find
any options that would allow me to specify a username and password.

I am not using Samba (at least I didn't load it... may be there by
default???) - To map the drive I have a line in my /etc/fstab file that

# Device			#Mountpoint	FSType	OPtion	
//user at server/share	/ftproot	smbfs	rw.nosuto	0	0

Once the server boots, I type "mount /ftproot" and then it asks me for the
password for User.  After the password is entered, /ftproot contains the
contents of the share on my XP system.  It was one of the things that I fell
in love with about BSD - the ability to "see" XP shares with no special

So anyway - I think there are several different approaches to this.  Can I
modify my fstab file so that "auto" would work by somehow specifing a
password?  Or is there a password option that I am missing in the mount or
mount_smbfs commands?  OR...  is there a reason I don't have the smbmount

Thank you for all your help!

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