General DDOS curiousity

Todd Zimmermann t.zim at
Fri May 30 19:16:14 PDT 2003

Lowell Gilbert wrote:
> Todd Zimmermann <t.zim at> writes:
>>This isn't so much a question as a curiosity I noticed tonight.
>>I have a dialup account with & get a dynamic ip in the 12.93
>>block.  While logging in tonight and initializing ipfilter, I noticed
>>7 blocked input packets right away.  No big deal, but I checked my
>>log. Each packet was from a diff ip, but all to port 41170 UDP...
>>Now I'm up to 501 blocked packets, unique ips but same port.  I've
>>logged into scans before, but nothing like this.

> Sounds like one packet per second or less.  If that's supposed to be a
> DDOS, it isn't much of one.  More likely, the previous holder of the
> address was running some kind of server, maybe a node in a
> peer-to-peer system.
 >Jeremy Faulkner wrote:
 >>41170 is used by Piolet, a peer-to-peer file transfer program.

Yeah I guess DDOS wasn't the best choice of words. When I logged out and 
grabbed another ip it disappeared.

Thanks for answering my question.  I get too excited over log events 
sometimes :)

- Todd

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