any recommended simple text editors?????

Bryan Vyhmeister bsd at
Fri May 30 12:27:00 PDT 2003

On Friday, May 30, 2003, at 12:16 PM, HG wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am looking for a simple text editor that i can use when
> i connect to the freebsd box with an ssh client (no x window)
> that supports vt100 or vt400 (called putty.exe) .
> Should also be able to connect to a linux box by recompiling
> source for the linux computer.
> There are so many editors listed in the packages cd , can
> anyone recommend one in particular
> Prefered is one that is menu driven with no keystrokes
> to remember other than the common keys on the pc
> keyboard : delete , arrows , backspace etc.

Pico is relatively simple. Pico is typically the editor for the pine 
email client. I used when I first started out in Linux. By the time I 
moved over to FreeBSD, vi or vim was my editor of choice and mutt was 
my email client. You probably won't want to use vi or vim because it is 
not necessarily intuitive. It is extremely efficient and great to work 
with after you get used to it though. It was one of the best things I 
learned to use. Hope that helps.


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