Boot problem: "ata0: resetting devices"

Rich Morin rdm at
Fri May 30 01:54:22 PDT 2003

At 9:40 PM -0400 5/29/03, Jud wrote:
>This was a common problem along about 4.5-4.6.  Upgrade to at least
>4.7, see if it helps; the cause of the common problem was fixed in
>4.7- prerelease.

I've been running "FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE" on my production system, so I
tried moving the disks over and booting.  Same problem.

One message I found on eht web indicated that I might be able to get
past the problem by disabling UltraDMA.  Unfortunately:

   *  There isn't any obvious way to do this in the AMIBIOS.

   *  Setting hw.ata.ata_dma to 0 in /etc/sysctl.conf won't help,
      because (from sysctl.conf(5)):

        The /etc/sysctl.conf file is read in when the system goes
        into multi-user mode ...

      and the problem asserts itself while the system is still in
      single-user mode.

So, I decided to change line 90 of /usr/src/sys/dev/ataata-disk.c to:

     static int ata_dma = 0;

This allowed the system to boot without (apparent) error, but I'd
still like to boot off a PCI-based ATA card, instead.

email: rdm at; phone: +1 650-873-7841    - my home page, resume, etc.   - The FreeBSD Browser, Meta Project, etc. - Prime Time Freeware's DOSSIER series     - Prime Time Freeware's Darwin Collection

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