clayton rollins crollins666 at hotmail.com
Fri May 23 19:25:46 PDT 2003

On Fri, 23 May 2003 14:42:59 "Nucking Futs" <nuckingfutsto at hotmail.com> 
>    I have installed FBSD 4.8 on my Dell notebook Inspiron 1100.  The
>internal NIC is not recognized at all so I am trying to use a PCMCIA 
>model PCM100 PC card.  The card is on the supported hardware list found 
>http://www.freebsd.org/releases/4.8R/hardware-i386.html#ETHERNET As you
>might has guessed I'm writing because I cant get the card to function.
>During a normal install of FBSD on a workstation with a PCI NIC the DHCP
>scan finds the Road Runner connection from my router automatically and I'm
>set up with internet connectivity, end of story.
>    The card was not recognized during install so after the install reboot 
>went back into the post install configuration via /stand/sysinstall and
>attempted to configure additional network interfaces and when doing so the
>choice "faith0 <unknown network interface type>" showed up.  I attempted to
>configure DHCP but it would not find my connection automatically and
>attempting to input any of the information would not help either.

man faith.

>    This is where I am and not really sure where to go next.  The hardware
>support has a link to ed(4) driver which is used by the PCMCIA card NIC's.
>Is this something that I have to compile into the kernel?  Hoping for some
>assistance to get this card up and running.

See 'man 4 ed' for a description of kernel options. (it is in generic, but 
you might need to tinker with it...) Do you get a line during boot saying 
that it found the hardware?

Looking over the man page for rc.conf, there are a variety of pccard 
options. You may need to set one of them... (pccard_enable needs to be set 
to yes, as an example.) What is your rc.conf now? 
(pccard_ifconfig_ed0="DHCP" might be the right line to create the interface. 
man ifconfig and rc.conf for more details.)

(You might want to bring the interface down by default if you start the 
computer without the card often.)

Good Luck,

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