Simple text fiel viewere?

Kirk Strauser kirk at
Wed May 21 06:50:07 PDT 2003

At 2003-05-21T05:16:43Z, parv <parv_fm at> writes:

> It's too easy to bring up an editor while using less, unless one sets too
> complicated key binding to be typed accidentally.  At least that is the
> case for me.

I've actually answered this twice today on different lists.  Weird.  Anyway,
From less(1):

       When the environment variable LESSSECURE is set to 1, less runs in a
       "secure" mode.  This means these features are disabled:

              !      the shell command

              |      the pipe command

              :e     the examine command.

              v      the editing command

              s  -o  log files

              -k     use of lesskey files

              -t     use of tags files

                     metacharacters in filenames, such as *

                     filename completion (TAB, ^L)

       Less can also be compiled to be permanently in "secure" mode.
Kirk Strauser
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