Upgrade or Install new version of freebsd for Sendmail 8.12.9

Leroy/Admin/Manager leroy at 3dmasters.net
Mon May 12 00:09:26 PDT 2003

Hello Everyone,

First i would like to say freebsd is the best server software i have ever
used in my life time.  Still to this day i am not sure how update a working
server with DNS and sendmail running with over 100 customers using the

What i question is:  Do i have to upgrade my version of freebsd to complie
the new version of sendmail 8.12.9? or can i patch my old complier?  If so
what are the commands to do this patching? Or what are the commands to
update fully working system to a new version of freebsd?

In the passed i have just copied all my data off the server and reinstalled
DNS and Sendmail and disk quotas. Then copied all my DNS info and Sendmail
settings back to the new server to get the job done.

Thank you


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