libiodbc configuration

Lorin Lund lorin_lund at
Tue May 6 12:06:27 PDT 2003

I have MySQL installed on my 4.8 system.

Libiodbc got installed by installing mSQL,MySQL
modules for perl.

Perl access to MySQL worked OK.  So I supposed the
iODBC was fully configured.  When I tried ODBC 
from another language it didn't work.

When I tried the test program 'odbctest' it lists
the field names from .odbc.ini as if they were
DSNs.  When I access odbc from the language 'J' 
and ask for a list of data sources I get the same
list as shows up in 'odbctest'.

I certainly have something messed up!

(When I couldn't get things to work with iODBC I tried
installing unixODBC - maybe that messed things up.)

Does anyone recognize these symptoms?

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