USB Printer

Konrad Scorciapino fallenbr at
Mon Mar 31 13:17:14 PST 2003

> > How can I configure a USB Printer on FreeBSD? Actually I have a Deskjet 
> > from HP and I've tried to send something to /dev/ulpt0, but the system 
> > locked up.

> if ulpt0 is showing up in dmesg, then you have the printer
> configured. What to do next depends on what you want to do with the
> printer - and whether or not the deskjet is a winprinter.

ulpt0 is showing and it detects my printer type. Here is the output:

konrad at localhost ~ > dmesg | grep ulpt0
ulpt0: HEWLETT-PACKARD DESKJET 656C, rev 1.10/1.10, addr 2, iclass 7/1

I want to be able to print all popular kinds of files. How can I proceed? 
And how do I know whether my printer is a winprinter or not?

Thank you!

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