diskless root-etc and special-etc struggles

Hartmann, O. ohartman at klima.physik.uni-mainz.de
Sun Mar 30 02:53:31 PST 2003


Testing new 5.0-Current stuff for diskless booting I ran into struggle
with some kind of misleading hierarchy in how /etc and /conf/default/etc
ist treated.

I use an environment for diskless systems that has well populated specific
i(assuming I am chrooted to the diskless root partition):

/conf/base/etc, /conf/default/etc and /conf/MY.IP/etc

It works as exspected - but not in all ways.
/etc in diskless environment can not be left empty, the startup seems to need
rc, rc.subr and both rc.diskless[12] files to get clear to startup. rc.d and
the new RCng facility does not work.

Am I right to say: we need rc, rc.subr and both rc.diskless1 and 2 for a proper
diskless boot? Does this imply that rc.d for diskless does not work?
I tried to clean /etc or populated /etc/defaults but that ends up in a dead
diskless system.

Please, this is only a question. At the moment I feel happy that diskless works again
in 5.X and hope it works with RCng soon.


O. Hartmann

ohartman at mail.physik.uni-mainz.de
Systemadministration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz

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