Two DNS servers with one IP address

Len Conrad LConrad at
Thu Jun 26 04:06:45 PDT 2003

>Is it possible to have two DNS servers with only one public IP address?

no.  when you run the first instance, it will listen on port 53.  When you 
run the second instance, it will fail, because port 53 is occupied.

>I have a FreeBSD gateway connected to the Internet with a DSL modem, using 
>natd to connect the other PCs on my LAN, and was wondering if I could have 
>two DNS servers to register domain names.

You an play administrative games, depending on the registrar, by 
registering two hosts at the same IP, but two won't run on the same IP.


_____________________________________________________________________ Seattle; Chicago; San Jose; Wash DC anti-spam gateway, effective on 1000's of sites, free

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