Seting the hardware clock

Greg 'groggy' Lehey grog at
Fri Jul 18 21:44:52 PDT 2003

On Monday, 14 July 2003 at 19:16:04 -0400, stan wrote:
> ;m struggling with getting the hardware clock (BIOS clock) equal to the
> kernels time.
> On my Linux boxes a utility called hwclock is run on the way down to
> synchronize the 2.
> The problem I'm running into is that if the time on the system gets to far
> out of date for ntpd to bring it into synch, then I can update the kernels
> clock with ntpdate. But when I reboot the old incorrect time comes back.

I think you have your answer from others, but one thing wasn't made
very clear:

When you set a FreeBSD (or any other BSD) clock, you automatically set
the CMOS clock as well.  This is why there is not hwclock(8) program.
I can't understand why Linux requires these separate steps.

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