"Virtual FreeBSD"

Rus Foster rghf at fsck.me.uk
Thu Jul 17 15:27:34 PDT 2003

On Thu, 17 Jul 2003, Crist J. Clark wrote:

> Can anyone tell me exactly what "Virtual FreeBSD" is? If I Google the
> term, I get a whole bunch of help webpages from various web hosting
> outfits. What's spooky is all of the sites have the same content.
> That definately gives me the impression someone is selling a product
> called "Virtual FreeBSD" based off of, you guessed it, FreeBSD. I'm
> trying to figure out exactly what this Virtual FreeBSD is and how it
> differs from the vanilla FreeBSD.

OK as one of those companies that offer Virtual FreeBSD it is normal
FreeBSD. However what we basically do is run a jail on top of FreeBSD
itself offering a virtual machine i.e. Virtual FreeBSD



Rus Foster
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