make continent

Kent Stewart kstewart at
Fri Jul 11 10:06:10 PDT 2003

On Friday 11 July 2003 09:50 am, Dan Nelson wrote:
> In the last episode (Jul 11), Jonathan said:
> > Having been using FreeBSD for a fair few years now, I quite happily
> > do a buildworld every now and then but one of the mysteries for me is
> > how to rebuild parts of the OS in isolation.
> >
> > My only interest in this is when a security update comes out and it
> > might only affect a certain part of the source tree.
> >
> > I appreciate that in the BSD model, the idea is that a widget can get
> > changed and making world will allow the new features of that widget
> > to permeate to all code, but is there any information on how to go
> > into the various "continents" and build those on their own?
> For most stuff, you can simply cd into /usr/src/usr.bin/programname, or
> /usr/src/lib/libname, and run "make obj && make depend && make && make
> install".  If you rebuild a library, though, it's up to you to make
> sure that you also rebuild any statically-linked programs using that
> library.  There may also be issues where buiding one program may
> require another program to be updated (the texinfo stuff, for example,
> or a new copy of sed or make).  The reason there's a "make world" is to
> ensure that all these dependencies are taken care of.

If it is a library a "make world" may not be enough and you may need to 
rebuild your kernel. There has usually been enough time between security 
notices that I normally rebuild everything. My systems mostly follow -stable 
and my world wouldn't apply to a release based system.


Kent Stewart
Richland, WA

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