Can I Set Process Name?

Drew Tomlinson drew at
Tue Jul 8 07:39:20 PDT 2003

Is there a way to either change the name of a running process or start
the process with a name of my choosing?  On my system, I am running
webmin and spamd.  Both processes show in ps -acux output as "perl".

blacklamb# ps -acux | grep perl
root         22476  0.0  2.9  6760 5576  ??  Ss   Sat11AM   0:06.30 perl
root         33725  0.0 11.0 21604 21196  ??  Ss    9:07PM   0:03.11

Is there a way to make the webmin process name "webmin" and the spamd
process "spamd"?  I'm willing to read but have no idea where to start so
please nudge me in the right direction.



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