I don't understand make world

Mark Zytkovicz markz at ipa.cfa.harvard.edu
Wed Dec 31 04:47:55 PST 2003


I followed the directions in the handbook and on various websites and
google searches to get my 5.0-RELEASE box up to -CURRENT (though uname
reports 5.2-RC, or does it just report wahtever "CURRENT" is?).
Anyways, I did the whole make buildworld make installworld stuff with
the new kernel and cvsup'ing and all, just like the handbook says, but
pkg_version -l \< reports over 130 packages that aren't up to date.
When I was running mergemaster I accidentally skipped master.passwd and
lost some info.  Yes, my bad for not backing it up.  So it broke gdm (no
user/group) and rather than figure out what the correct user/group info
was I decided to just deinstall/reinstall the port and let it do it in
case I messed up anything else in /etc with mergemaster.  Well, it
didn't want to be reinstalled.  Neither did gnome. I ran into all kinds
of dependancies on other packages (I though ports system took care of
this?) with out of date versions.  gnome led me to xft which led me to
X-4-libraries, which led me to imake - all out of date old port type
errors.  I can't even portupgrade anything.

What did I do wrong?  Or maybe, what am I assuming incorrectly?  I
thought rebuilding world would upgrade everything.  I assume then that
portupgrade is for keeping up to date (I've run it successfully on other
machines).  What then is the whole make world process for?

This was just on a machine to play around with the whole make world
thing since I've only ever cvsup'd my machines, so I can easily just
start over.  I'm assuming there's a way out from here, but I also want
to know how to do it correctly if I do start over and what I should
really be doing to stay -CURRENT.


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