DSS for freeBSD

Jim Arnold jim0266 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 29 10:48:18 PST 2003

Hi, I received responses from the lister that there is
a port, and also it's possible to use the source code
for DSS 5 and run it on freeBSD 5.1. I found a port in
/usr/ports, but when i run it, it ask me to go to
apple web site to download freebsd version of DSS.
However freeBSD version of DSS is not there. I've
downloaded the source, but I want to learn how I could
make it work with freeBSD 5.1. I rather not mess up my
system, so I would like to know what changes I need to
make to make DSS work.------

It looks like the port is out of date. The Apple
website has version 5 of the code but the FreeBSD port
is stil pointing to 4.1. 

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