Just a question.....

Simon Barner barner at in.tum.de
Thu Dec 18 06:44:24 PST 2003

> What programming languages do you use for interacting with 
> freebsd( the kernel,ports)? 

The FreeBSD kernel and most of the applications are written in C, others
in C++. If you don't know them yet, you will benefit from every minute
you spend on learning them. Note, that if you want C++ to become your
first programming language, it might be easier to start with it, since
you will learn everything the C++ way (without being influenced by your
C knowledge).

Additionally, some knowledge in a scripting language like Perl won't
hurt, and it's always handy to be familiar with Makefiles (both BSD
pmake and GNU gmake).

Once you feel confident enough in your programming skills, you can
subscribe to ports at freebsd.org and to fix problems with the FreeBSD
ports collection. This will help you a lot to gain in-depth knowlegde in
programming a UN*X environment.

> Where can i get more information on how make programs for 
> freebsd?,

Apart from the online books mentioned by David, you should certainly
have a look at some books on C and C++ Programming, Programming in a
UN*X, TCP/IP networking, Operating Systems in general (I have some books
in mind, but need to look up the exact references - maybe someone else
can fill this gap?)

> I plan on going to college to study computer science but i 

I don't know your curriculum, but don't be affraid if you are confronted
with lots of maths and theoretical stuff that _seems_ to have nothing to
do with the real world.

> dont want to waste my time studying programming languages 
> like visual basic, even though it wouldnt hurt. I want you 
> to guide me so i wont make a mistake.  i know ms software 
> dictates most things in the market because of their business 
> practices but i dont want to get stuck with it.  Freebsd is 
> my choice and i want it to be a meaningfull choice in my 
> future career.   

Okay, you sound really motivated - excellent! Let's go!

> Thats all i ask for now.  with your help in two to four 
> years from now ( or less if possible) you`ll hear from me 
> with what i can provide to you or the freebsd community. 

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