Talk Filters and Gaim...

epilogue at epilogue at
Tue Dec 9 14:57:21 PST 2003

hello all,

just wondering if any of you has had luck getting the talkfilters port
integrated with gaim?  i tried applying the patches included with the
talkfilters port, but no dice.  i suspect that this failure has much to do
with the difference between the version of gaim for which the patches were
written and the version of gaim i am running (0.74).

excerpt of talkfilters gaim-patch README:

	<snip>  This patch is provided for interested hackers only, not for end
	users. Familiarity with UNIX and C development is assumed. Please DO
	NOT email me if you need help appying this patch.

	This directory structure contains a skeleton of the gaim-0.59.8 source
	tree.  <snip>

well, i'm not familiar with UNIX or C development (and i'm definitely not
e-mailing the author of talkfilters...  heheh), so i turn to you, the other
users.  i would really appreciate it if one of you could point me in the
right direction.  thanks.


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