sudoer file

Desmond Lee desmond.lee at
Sat Aug 30 01:19:24 PDT 2003


I'm having problems setting up sudo. I want to let a user 'dlee' be able
to mount and umount the cdrom. All I add in the /user/local/etc/sudoers
file is the following:

dlee	localhost = NOPASSWD: mount /cdrom, umount /cdrom

But when I do a 'sudo -v' (logged in as dlee) it says that dlee can run
sudo under the machine.

Right now the wheel group consists of root and dlee. If I uncomment and
put in the following line:

%wheel 	ALL=(ALL)		ALL

then the user dlee still cannot do any sudo commands even though the
user dlee can su as root?

Is there something that I'm doing wrong here? I've looked up the sudo
and sudoers man pages and did some searching online but can't really get

Any help is appreciated.



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