allowing non root users to mount

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at
Fri Aug 29 15:57:09 PDT 2003

Lowell Gilbert <freebsd-questions-local at> writes:

> Desmond Lee <desmond.lee at> writes:
> > I don't understand how editing /etc/fbtab will help me provide a
> > mounting point that is accessible to everyone. I believe that fbtab will
> > just set the permissions of the device to whatever is specified in that
> > file.
> Yes, but it can also set the ownership of the directory.  Users can
> only mount onto directories that they own (this is mentioned a number
> of times in the FAQ entry, as well as in the manual page for
> mount_msdos(8)).  

I should also have mentioned that I prefer not to mess with user
mounting at all, but to use sudo to let a set of users execute the
mount command.  You can configure it to allow them to only use it for
one specific command.  And for floppies, I generally prefer mtools
anyway, because a corrupt mounted filesystem (and floppies go bad
annoyingly often) is so hazardous to the system.

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