how to use firewall ?

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at
Thu Aug 28 16:25:04 PDT 2003

"ZaiD Dashti" <zaiddashti at> writes:

> i got DoS attack
> how i can use the firewall ?
> i have tried to understand (man ipfw) but i didn't understand it
> any easy way to learn and understand firewall (ipfw)

The first thing you need to understand is what a firewall does, and
what you're protecting.  If you don't understand both of those, you
need to study up on it -- there is no easy way around that for
protecting a public Internet host from a Denial of Service attack.

My recommendations for materials in this area are Cheswick, Bellovin
(and Rubin, in the latest edition), "Firewalls and Internet Security:
Repelling the Wily Hacker", and Zwicky, Cooper, and Chapman, "Building
Internet Firewalls".

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