Patching procedures

Matthew Seaman m.seaman at
Thu Aug 28 04:30:18 PDT 2003

On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 10:09:35AM +0200, Guy Van Sanden wrote:
> ** message didn't make it to the list - sending again **
> I'm still relatively new to FreeBSD, and I was wondering what most of
> you use as a patching procedure for FreeBSD (not the ports)
> Up to now, I have always folowed the instructions in '2) To patch your
> present system:'.
> Yet somehow this seems like the long way to do it.
> Therefor, I'm wondering how most of you keep your systems up to date.
> For the moment, I'm only managing my home server (which is still
> critical), but I would also like to know how to manage this in a
> professional deployment (I used to manage Solaris networks, and we had
> these patch-clusters which were rahter nice).

Unlike Solaris, FreeBSD generally operates by supplying patches to the
system source code.  Colin Percival has a binary patch system under
development, but it's not an official FreeBSD thing yet -- see for details.

The standard way to keep a system up to date is to maintain an up to
date copy of the system sources -- either which ever one of the
release branches you've chosen, or 4-STABLE or 5-CURRENT -- and
compile and install from there.

For the release branches you can achieve that by starting with the
sources as distributed on the CD Roms, and applying the patches as
shown in any security advisories -- any changes to a release branche
will be accompanied by an advisory notice, which is almost always a
security advisory.  Technically it may be possible for a really
crucial but not security related patch to be applied to a release
branch, but it doesn't seem to happen much in practice.  The
non-release branches (4-STABLE, 5-CURRENT) are under continuous
development, so there's not going to be any specific points at which
everyone will update, other than when large chunks of particularly
awaited new functionality or big bugfixes go into the tree.  Or when
(like now) a new release is in the offing.  Most private users
tracking STABLE or CURRENT will just update every week or month or so,
or when they get around to it.

Whatever the release branch you've chosen, and particularly if you're
running 4-STABLE of 5-CURRENT, it's much more convenient to use
cvsup(1) to keep your sources up to date, rather than by applying
patches.  There are a few other mechanisms around -- see Appendix A of
the handbook --

but cvsup(1) is what the vast majority of the users use.

If you're using FreeBSD in a commercial setting, then you should
certainly be tracking one of the release branches and be implementing
a testing regime on a spare server before pushing out updates to your
production servers.  Whilst the FreeBSD project generally does
extremely well at keeping 4-STABLE and the RELEASE branches stable,
they do rely on bug reports from users and developers rather than
having the sort of comprehensive QC test cycles that Sun performs.

The test box function can be combined quite neatly with being a build
server -- you can either make your own releases and cut them to CD-ROM
for installation on your production machines, or just NFS mount the
/usr/obj and /usr/src trees from the build box in order to install the
upgrade.  With practice you can get an installkernel - reboot to
single user - installworld - mergemaster - reboot cycle down to under
15mins downtime, which is a lot quicker than it takes to install some
Solaris patches.

One other major difference between Solaris patches and FreeBSD updates
is that FreeBSD doesn't offer you a specific mechanism to back out any
changes you make.  Always make sure you have good backups from
immediately before you start an upgrade cycle.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP:         Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK
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