Packages in a 'build server' environment

Paul Smith paul at
Tue Aug 26 12:18:18 PDT 2003

I'm successfully using a dedicated build server for centralized 'make world'
and building packages from Ports for a number of production FreeBSD servers.

The question I'm running into now is, how do I build different configurations
of packages of the same port for different machines or purposes? For example,
I have a main web server where I need a highly customized configuration of
the Apache port, but I only need a vanilla install of Apache for a mail
server. I maintain my packages with portupgrade, by the way, and I imagine
the 'way out' is through this utility, but I can't seem to nail down a
specific example or instruction set.


Paul Smith <paul at>
Webmaster/Systems Administrator
Center for Neighborhood Technology
Chicago, Illinois USA

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