Configuring GeForce FX 5200 in X?

Dragoncrest dragoncrest at
Fri Aug 22 21:59:53 PDT 2003

	Hi all.  Just got a GeForce4 FX 5200 to install in a new Freebsd box and 
I'm trying to configure X to use it, but I don't see the card listed 
anywhere in the list of cards on the machine.  What do I do in order to 
configure the card itself?  I'd like to get it installed and running in 
there if possible.  If it's not one that bsd will use, I'll just swap my 
GF3 out of my win box instead, but I'd rather get this going of 
possible.  Can anyone point me in the direction of how to get this working 
or which driver to use?

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