Problems Installing FreeBSD 5.1-CURRENT

R B pyr0teknix696 at
Thu Aug 21 17:27:31 PDT 2003

hi my name is pyr0teknix696 and i've been using linux
for 3 years and decided to try freebsd on an old AST
x486 with 32MB ram and a 3.16G HDD my problem is that
the BIOS is not able to boot from CROM drives so i
read through the docs and BSD and it says to create
boot floppies with fdimage i do everything im supposed
to do and the I reboot off the kernel.flp disk that
works fine then it says to put in msfroot.flp disk i
do that and then hit enter the problem is i reboot and
it gives a message saying something like this:

default 0:fd(0,a)fd0

i dont know what this is can you please help me so
that i can actually get to the installation process

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