compiling on 4.4
Matthew Seaman
m.seaman at
Mon Aug 18 13:17:37 PDT 2003
On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 01:30:15PM -0400, Joe Smith wrote:
> I'm trying to compile gdal 1.1.9 ( on FreeBSD
> 4.4. I get this:
> make: no target to make.
> There is no "Makefile" file, but there is a "GNUmakefile". It's just not
> sensing it I guess. I don't think the GNU compiler was installed on the
> system from the start, so I installed GNU Make 3.80 and it still won't
> compile with a simple "make" command. Anyone know what I can do to get GDAL
> compiled?
gdal is in ports. All you need to do is update your ports tree, and then:
# cd /usr/ports/graphics/gdal
# make install
although FreeBSD 4.4 is rather elderly, and not guarranteed to work
with the latest ports.
As for whether the "GNU compiler" was intalled: most of the compiler
tool chain uses GNU programs (gcc, gas etc). One thing that isn't
GNU-ish is the make program (as you might expect, we use Berkeley
make), but make isn't itself a compiler, although it will run any
number of them for you...
If you've installed GNU make from ports, the binary will be called
'gmake'. If you installed it by compiling manually, it's probably
ended up called /usr/local/bin/make. Type:
% which make
to find out which one you are running and adjust your $PATH if it's
not the one you want.
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil. 26 The Paddocks
Savill Way
PGP: Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614 Bucks., SL7 1TH UK
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