xterm: colors and keys
Matthew Seaman
m.seaman at infracaninophile.co.uk
Sun Aug 17 03:05:20 PDT 2003
On Sat, Aug 16, 2003 at 10:34:51PM -0300, fallenbr wrote:
> Hello,
> 1 - How can I set color on xterm? I've tried creating a .Xdefaults with "XTerm*termName: xterm-color" on it, but nothing really changed.
Make that:
xterm*termName: xterm-color
and make sure that your .Xdefaults is actually being read: you need to run:
xrdb -merge ${HOME}/.Xdefaults
somewhere in your .xsession or .xinitrc. You can tell if your setting
are being picked up by running:
xrdb -query xterm
Most commands won't give you coloured output by default. Try 'ls -G'
to see if you have succeeded in making the colourization work.
> 2 - I'm not being able to use the "Page down" and "Page up" keys when browsing the man pages. All I get is a beep and "ESC[" output. This is strange, because I don't recall having this problem before. What could be wrong?
Sounds like you've either completely mucked up your terminal settings
or been playing incautiously with lesskey(1) or you've maybe set the
environment variable $LESS (or some other less-related part of the
environment as detailed in less(1), lesskey(1), man(1)) with some
options that make less(1) less capable.
In the first case, typing 'reset' or logging out and logging back in
again should restore things to normality. In the second case, check
for files ${HOME}/.lesskey and ${HOME}/.less -- if you move these to
other names or delete them, less should go back to the default
behaviour. In the third case, well don't meddle with the environment
unless you understand what you're doing with it.
Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil. 26 The Paddocks
Savill Way
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614 Bucks., SL7 1TH UK
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