Server rebooted at 3 a.m. and 7 a.m. for the past few days

Jez Hancock jez.hancock at
Thu Aug 14 19:37:46 PDT 2003

On Fri, Aug 15, 2003 at 03:44:52AM +0200, Magnus J wrote:
> Hello
> dmesg shows no panic, and nothing that consumes much CPU has
> been running since the first reboot.
> Around 3 a.m. the daily periodic runs (which is default) and
> around 7 a.m. cvsup runs.
How about taking cron down until you know it's not one of the cron jobs?

Recently I had to work out what was causing a server to fail for no
apparent reason at all - no messages to suggest anything going wrong
here either.  In the end I used lsof:


to log all file activity, which turned up httpd as the cause of the

The script I used with lsof was adapted from the 'big_brother.perl5'
script that's included with the lsof dist which I'll include at the end
of this post.  Be warned it eats up diskspace so make sure it logs to
somewhere with plenty of room and keep an eye on it regularly.

Script is pretty ugly with my changes and was only meant to be a quick hack...

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#                                                                              #
# File: big_brother.perl                                                       #
#                                                                              #
# Description: check the network sockets with lsof to detect new connections   #
#									       #
# Contributed by Lionel Cons <Lionel.Cons at>			       #
#                                                                              #

# @(#)big_brother	1.12 08/14/96 Written by Lionel.Cons at

# no waranty! use this at your own risks!

# init & setup
$verbose = 1;
#$lsof_opt = "-itcp -iudp -Di -FcLPn -r 5";
#$lsof_opt = "-r 5 -Di -FcLPn -n";

$lsof_opt = "-r 5 -Di -n";

$pid_file = "/var/run/";
open(FD, ">$pid_file");
print FD $$;
close FD;

$SIG{'HUP'} = \&hangup;

chop($hostname = `/bin/hostname`);
#$fq_hostname = (gethostbyname($hostname))[0];

$ymd=`date "+%Y%m%d"`;
chomp $ymd;


# Set path to lsof.

# Open logfile:

# spy forever...
$| = 1;
die "$LSOF is not executable\n" unless -x $LSOF;
while (1) {
    $lsof_pid = open(PIPE, "$LSOF $lsof_opt 2>&1 |")
	|| die "can't start $LSOF: $!\n";
    print "# ", &timestamp, " $LSOF $lsof_opt, pid=$lsof_pid\n"
	if $verbose;
    print "#COMMAND     PID     USER P NAME\n";
    $printed = $hanguped = $pid = $proto = 0;
    while (<PIPE>) {
			print "#ts: ",&timestamp, "\n";
		} elsif (/^lsof: PID \d+, /) {
			# fatal error message?
			print "*** $_";
		} elsif (/^lsof: /) {
			# warning
			warn "* $_";
		} else {
    kill('INT',  $lsof_pid);
    kill('KILL', $lsof_pid);
	} elsif (/^p(\d+)$/) {
	    $pid = $1;
	    $proto = 0;
	} elsif (/^c(.*)$/) {
	    $command = $1;
	} elsif (/^L(.*)$/) {
	    $user = $1;
	} elsif (/^P(.*)$/) {
	    $proto = $1;
	} elsif (/^n(.*)$/) {
	    $name = $1;
	    # replace local hostname by 'localhost'
	    $name =~ s/\Q$fq_hostname\E/localhost/g;
	    $name =~ s/[0-9hms]+ ago//g;
	} elsif (/^m$/) {
	} else {
	    warn "* bad output ignored: $_";
sub open_logfile {
	open(FD, ">$lf");
	select FD;

sub hangup {
    #$hanguped = 1;
	close FD;
    $SIG{'HUP'} = \&hangup;

sub flush {
    return unless $pid && $proto;
    return if &skip;
    $tag = sprintf("%-9s %5d %8s %1s %s", $command, $pid, $user,
		   substr($proto, 0, 1), $name);
    unless (defined($seen{$tag})) {
	print "+$tag\n";
    $seen{$tag} = 1;

sub clean {
    my(@to_delete, $tag);

    if ($hanguped) {
	$hanguped = 0;
	@to_delete = keys(%seen);
	print "# ", &timestamp, " hangup received, rescanning all connections\n"
	    if $verbose;
    } else {
	@to_delete = ();
	foreach $tag (keys(%seen)) {
	    if ($seen{$tag} == 0) {
		# not seen this time: delete it
		push(@to_delete, $tag);
		print "-$tag\n";
	    } else {
		# seen this time: reset the flag
		$seen{$tag} = 0;
    grep(delete($seen{$_}), @to_delete);
    if ($printed > 10) {
	print "# ", &timestamp, "\n" if $verbose;
	$printed = 0;

sub skip {
    # put stuff here to ignore some connections, for instance:

    # what we get when the socket gets created...
    return(1) if $name eq '*:0';
    return(1) if $name =~ /^localhost:(\d+)$/ && $1 > 1000;
# UDP & TCP stuff
    # ignore common daemons
    if ($name =~ /^\*:/ && $user eq 'root' && $pid < 300) {
	return(1) if $command =~ /^inetd(\.afs)?$/;
	return(1) if $command =~ /^rpc\.(stat|lock)d$/;
	return(1) if $command eq 'syslogd' && $name eq '*:syslog';
    # forking beasts: portmap, ypbind, inetd
    if ($command eq 'portmap' && $user eq 'daemon') {
	return(1) if $name =~ /^\*:/;
    } elsif ($command eq 'ypbind') {
	return(1) if $name =~ /^\*:\d+$/;
# TCP-only stuff
    return(0) unless $proto eq 'TCP';
    # outgoing commands: ftp, telnet, r*
    if ($command eq 'ftp') {
	return(1) if $name =~ /:ftp(-data)?$/;
    } elsif ($command eq 'telnet') {
	return(1) if $name =~ /:telnet$/;
    } elsif ($command eq 'remsh') {
	if ($name =~ /:(\d?\d\d\d)->.+:(\d?\d\d\d)$/) {
	    return(1) if $1 < 1024 && $1 > 990 && $2 < 1024 && $2 > 990;
	} elsif ($name =~ /:(\d?\d\d\d)->.+:(shell|ta-rauth)$/) {
	    return(1) if $1 < 1024 && $1 > 990;
	} elsif ($name =~ /^\*:(\d?\d\d\d)$/) {
	    return(1) if $1 < 1024 && $1 > 990;

sub timestamp {

    ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
    sprintf("%d/%02d/%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d", $year + 1900, $mon+1, $mday,
      $hour, $min, $sec);

## isexec($path) -- is $path executable
# $path   = absolute or relative path to file to test for executabiity.
#	    Paths that begin with neither '/' nor '.' that arent't found as
#	    simple references are also tested with the path prefixes of the
#	    PATH environment variable.  

isexec {
    my ($path) = @_;
    my ($i, @P, $PATH);

    $path =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
    if ($path eq "") { return(""); }
    if (($path =~ m#^[\/\.]#)) {
	if (-x $path) { return($path); }
    $PATH = $ENV{PATH};
    @P = split(":", $PATH);
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $#P; $i++) {
	if (-x "$P[$i]/$path") { return("$P[$i]/$path"); }


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