Script help needed please

Alexander Haderer alexander.haderer at
Thu Aug 14 08:48:58 PDT 2003

At 08:49 14.08.2003 -0500, Jack L. Stone wrote:
>When we started providing the articles 6-7 years ago, folks used browsers
>to read the articles. Now, the trend has become a more lazy approach and
>there is an increasing use of those download utilities which can be left
>unattended to download entire web sites taking several hours to do so.
>Multiply this by a number of similar downloads and there goes the
>bandwidth, denying those other normal online readers the speed needed for
>loading and browsing in the manner intended. Several hundred will be
>reading at a time and several 1000 daily.
>A possible solution?

What comes to my mind:

- Offer zip/tar.gz archives via an ftp server to your customers.
- allow customer's server to mirror your ftp-server
- probably: setup a mailing list to inform your customers about changes/updates

Of course you can additionally install some bandwith limitation stuff. (But 
I don't know one, sorry).


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