Error building XFree86-Clients (Solution)

Kent Stewart kstewart at
Sun Aug 10 07:40:35 PDT 2003

On Sunday 10 August 2003 06:12 am, Patrick O'Reilly wrote:
> Hi folks!
> A Word of thanks to Kent and Dan who took the time to help me figure
> out my problem.
> In the end I rebiult XFree86-libraries using portupgrade -f, and
> thereafter I was able to use portupgrade to upgrade all the
> Xfree86-font* ports from 4.2 to 4.3 without any further problems.
> Apparently there was a specific issue somewhere between 4.2 and 4.3
> where the installation of the Xfree86-server at version 4.3 would
> remove a component of XFree86-libraries which is required by the
> Xfree86-font* ports.  So, the sequence to follow is this:
> 1) upgrade -server to 4.3
> 2) upgrade -libraries to 4.3
> 3) upgrade -font* to 4.3
> I had unwittingly done (2) before (1).

This is still not right because -libraries is a dependancy for -server. 
You have to build -libraries before you build -server. What you needed 
to do is delete -server before you built -libraries. Then, when you 
build -server, it won't delete Xfonts.


> Thanks again to the more knowledgable folks who take the time to
> answer questions on this list!

Kent Stewart
Richland, WA

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