realpath patch understanding

eodyna eodyna at
Wed Aug 6 04:51:41 PDT 2003

Hi all,

Im kinda new to FreeBSD (running 4.5 RELEASE) and Im a
bit confused. Im hoping someone can help me understand
what I am doing incorrectly, or point me in a
direction where I can understand what is happening. As
you are all aware a security advisory was released
about realpath.

I have followed the instructions.
downloaded the patch. verified it.
ran patch < path to patch

installed KERNCONF

then i went and checked the UPDATING, the realpath.c
file and the file. According to the email
these files were meant to be corrected.

The timestamp on the UPDATING and have not
changed. and the realpath.c file indicates that it is
version 1.9 2000/01/27 instead of as indicated
by the advisory.

Have I done something wrong? or missed the point? I
know i dont really understand it. If someone can
explain it to me or point me in the right direction it
would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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