Spontanous reboot during network traffic

Bill Moran wmoran at potentialtech.com
Tue Apr 29 18:09:55 PDT 2003

Menno wrote:
> Just installed FreeBSD 4.8-Stable
> The system is running fine, no reboots, except when I use cvsup. It
 > seems when I generate network traffic it reboots spontanously.
> For example: When i'm connected to my local ftp and I type
> the command: get test.tgz /usr/home/menno/test.tgz
> and when I press return to execute the command. *Poof* there it reboots.
> Tried everything: Other memory,different PSU,other Lan cards,different
 > memory timings in bios etc.
> Please help me out...installed FreeBSD 4 times today...

You say you're using 4.8-STABLE, and that you've installed 4 times today.

Does it work after the install (4.8-RELEASE) and then start failing when
you upgrade to -STABLE?  Or do you have a custom-rolled distribution that
you're installing?

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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