my machine freezes if I reset it

Dinesh Nair dinesh at
Mon Apr 28 23:27:31 PDT 2003

On Sun, 27 Apr 2003, Alfonso Romero wrote:

> When I use the "shutdown -r now" command, my freebsd 4.8 machine starts
> the rebooting process, but freezes when detecting the "pci0" device: an
> ATI Mach 64 Accelerator card. If I shutdown the machine and then turn
> off the power, when I turn it on again there isn=B4t any problem: FreeBSD

same problem, different symptoms. a reboot will always fail with a BTX
bootloader memory error, but a shutdown -h and a power cycle always works.
this is on a compaq armada m300 with a Rage 3D LT Pro PCI which uses the
XFree86 Mach64 driver as well. since it's a notebook, it really doesn't
bother me, but thought i'd mention it in case it jigs someones memory or

Regards,                           /\_/\   "All dogs go to heaven."
dinesh at                (0 0)
| for a in past present future; do                                        |
|   for b in clients employers associates relatives neighbours pets; do   |
|   echo "The opinions here in no way reflect the opinions of my $a $b."  |
| done; done                                                              |

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