Dell PowerEdge 600SC

Alessandro de Manzano demanzano at
Mon Apr 28 06:45:24 PDT 2003


I'ld buy a new little server and I'm interested in Dell PowerEdge

Of course before buying it I'ld assure it works fine with FreeBSD :-)
so I'm asking if someone else already runs that server with our beloved
operating system... ?

Does the following components works ?

- Chipset ServerWorks GC-SL  ( I guess yes but...)

- SCSI RAID controller Dell PERC 3/SC (the "aac" man page does NOT
report it but I hope :) )

Thanks for every hint ! :-)

Alessandro de Manzano

Senior Network Manager
Playstos - TIMA S.p.A.
Corso Sempione 63
20149 Milano, Italy

tel.: +39-023314153
fax: +39-02315678
email: demanzano at

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