Update ---- Sendmail not working from command line.

Michael K. Smith mksmith at noanet.net
Fri Apr 25 14:50:45 PDT 2003

On 4/25/03 8:16 AM, "James Lee" <jlee at visi.com> wrote:

> Dig gives no resolve for localhost. There is no answer.
> # dig localhost
> ; <<>> DiG 8.3 <<>> localhost
> ;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
> ;; got answer:
> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 2
> ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0
> ;;      localhost, type = A, class = IN
> .                       47m31s IN SOA   A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
>                                       2003042500      ; serial
>                                       30M             ; refresh
>                                       15M             ; retry
>                                       1W              ; expiry
>                                       1D )            ; minimum
> ;; Total query time: 102 msec
> ;; FROM: mydomain.com to SERVER: default --
> ;; WHEN: Fri Apr 25 09:44:49 2003
> ;; MSG SIZE  sent: 27  rcvd: 102
> I changed my domain to mydomain.com in the FROM row. I also changed the
> name of my ISP in the AUTHORITY SECTION. When I do a dig the MX record
> of my domain it does resolve to my IP address.

That would be "dig @localhost" which will only return something if you are
running a DNS server locally.

This is the response on a machine *not* running DNS:

-bash-2.05b$ dig @localhost

; <<>> DiG 8.3 <<>> @localhost
; (2 servers found)
;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
;; res_nsend to server localhost  ::1: Connection refused

This one is:

hydra$ dig @localhost

; <<>> DiG 8.3 <<>> @localhost
; (1 server found)
;; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch
;; got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 6
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 13, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
;;      ., type = NS, class = IN

.                       5d23h4m43s IN NS  G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       5d23h4m43s IN NS  H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       5d23h4m43s IN NS  I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       5d23h4m43s IN NS  J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       5d23h4m43s IN NS  K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       5d23h4m43s IN NS  L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       5d23h4m43s IN NS  M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       5d23h4m43s IN NS  A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       5d23h4m43s IN NS  B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       5d23h4m43s IN NS  C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       5d23h4m43s IN NS  D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       5d23h4m43s IN NS  E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
.                       5d23h4m43s IN NS  F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.

J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.     6d23h4m43s IN A

;; Total query time: 2 msec
;; FROM: hydra.noanet.net to SERVER: localhost
;; WHEN: Fri Apr 25 14:10:33 2003
;; MSG SIZE  sent: 17  rcvd: 244

Michael K. Smith          NoaNet
206.219.7116 (work)       206.579.8360 (cell)
mksmith at noanet.net        http://www.noanet.net

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