Bill Moran wmoran at
Thu Apr 24 08:31:18 PDT 2003

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Humberto Riveros wrote:
> The error is when i put the cd for instalation 
> in the firt stage , i mean when i put a standar instalation 
> and pres enter i dont get the oportunity to make de file systems or
> partition it says " No discs found see the disc driver " , i have a
> samsung ..

Unfortunately, that's not enough information to be certain, but my
first guess is that your hardware is not supported.  Did you review
the page:

> well this error is not comon because in onother pc i dont have that
> problem just in my pc

What is different between those two PCs?

> El jue, 24-04-2003 a las 09:12, Bill Moran escribió:
>>Humberto Riveros wrote:
>>>Hi i get this error when starting de instalation process (booting the
>>>cd) disk not found .. so i cant continue, why is this i do have a disk
>>>in fact a have to other OS installed,, 
>>>Thanks by the way
>>At what point during the installation process do you get the error?
>>Also, please provide details of the hardware you are using.  Have you
>>verified that it's all supported?
>>Please "reply-all" to this message so your reply is sent to the
>>mailing list as well.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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