Postfix problems

Simon J Mudd sjmudd at
Wed Apr 23 10:05:13 PDT 2003

sublist at (Mike) writes:

> when i send mail to mail lists using postfix ralayed
> through my isp, doesnt respond.My posts dont show up on
> the lists and account requests are not processed.
> If I use mozilla mail through the same isp: things
> work as they should.I would like to set up postfix so I can use it as
> my MTA.

Probably the only way to tell what is happening is to send mail to "a
friend" through your ISP with mozilla and Postfix and look at the
resulting message headers to see if you can see a difference.

Without having access to your ISPs logs (or speaking to them) it's
going to be pretty hard to diagnose the problem, if there is one.

Simon J Mudd, Postfix RPM Packager, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
email: sjmudd at, Tel: +31-627-592 627,

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