No subject

Brent Bailey misterb at
Wed Apr 23 08:36:33 PDT 2003

Im using FBSD 4.8 and im trying to chroot stock ftpd ....something that i
have done on many other prior versions of FBSD by doing:
1. Kill the inetd process
2. vi /etc/defaults/make.conf
3. Insert  FTPD_INTERNAL_LS=YES at the bottom of the file
4. cd /usr/src/libexec/ftpd
5. make clean    <---works
6. make all      <--- it fails here
7. make install

but for some reason  i get this error..

"make: don't know how to make ls.c. Stop"

have things changed in 4.8 or the instructions for chrooting stock ftpd
changed ???  please help as i have many users that need this ability and i
dont want them just wandering around in other directories
Any and all help is very appreciated
thank you

FBSD since 3.3

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