Restarting init without rebooting

Willie Viljoen will at
Tue Apr 22 01:33:03 PDT 2003

On Tuesday 22 April 2003 9:37, someone, possibly Paul Everlund, typed:
> If you type 'kill -HUP 1' the init-process reads some (do
> not know which except for /etc/ttys) configuration files.

You can get the same result with init q. This reloads /etc/ttys(5), but 
doesn't restart anything else.

> Can one not accomplish this by 'killall init'? Then enter for
> '/bin/sh', and when typing exit the rc-scripts seems to be read
> once again. This must of course be done at the console.

It's possible, havn't tried though. But if you want to reinvoke the rc 
scripts, make sure you do umount -A (not umount -a) first.


Willie Viljoen
Freelance IT Consultant

214 Paul Kruger Avenue, Universitas
South Africa

+27 51 522 15 60
+27 51 522 44 36 (after hours)
+27 82 404 03 27 (mobile)

will at

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