nfs filesystem size

Jesse Geddis freebsd at
Mon Apr 21 13:12:57 PDT 2003

	sure, I should say i've never seen it report properly since we added
another disk shelf to our netapp last friday. i'm assuming the problem
arises when the filesystem achives 1tb or greater.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Nelson [mailto:dnelson at]
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2003 1:10 PM
To: Jesse Geddis
Cc: freebsd-questions at
Subject: Re: nfs filesystem size

In the last episode (Apr 21), Jesse Geddis said:
> 	Yes, it only appears to affect the reporting and not the actual
> reading/writing to the filesystem. Is there an adjustment I can make
> to correct it? Thanks again =)

I was working on a fix when my filesystem df stats suddenly reverted
back to normal, so I lost my test case :)

If you're willing to do some kernel rebuilding, start adding printfs
inside nfs_statfs and related functions, and determine exactly where
the sign change occurs.

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at

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