Dynamic IP Web Server

Alfonso Romero ibac at prodigy.net.mx
Tue Apr 15 20:55:10 PDT 2003

Thanks, man! Now I can use a separate machine for each service. I suppose
the gateway doesn´t get affected by the incoming traffic to a redirected
port, does it?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Karlsson" <mk-freebsd at bredband.net>
To: "Alfonso Romero" <ibac at prodigy.net.mx>
Cc: "freebsd-questions" <freebsd-questions at freebsd.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 10:31 PM
Subject: Re: Dynamic IP Web Server

> * Alfonso Romero <ibac at prodigy.net.mx> [2003-04-15 22.17 -0500]:
> > Well, I?m using NAT on my freebsd gateway to share my ADSL connection
with 4
> > Win PCs and 1 Linux PC. My doubt is if I can use a separate machine for
> > Web server, another for the gateway, another for the FTP server, etc.
> Put the server(s) inside your internal network, and use port
> redirection, as described in section 19.12.4 of the handbook.
> HTH,
> --
> Martin Karlsson

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