4.4-4.8, 5.0 on Sony Vaio Laptops

Jim Mock mij at soupnazi.org
Tue Apr 15 15:31:54 PDT 2003

On Tuesday, April 15, 2003, at 03:26  PM, Daniel Konnoff wrote:
> Hello:
> I recently attempted to upgrade the company Sony Vaio
> laptops to 4.8.  After booting from a 4.8 install cd the system gets
> through auto-discovery to the /dev/md (md0) device, then hangs.
> I checked all of the distributions back to 4.3 (which is installed), 
> all have the same trouble.
> Has anyone else seen a similar problem?

Yes, check the -mobile archives, it's been discussed multiple times.

- jim

- jim mock.     email: mij at soupnazi.org     web: http://soupnazi.org -
- freebsd project: jim at FreeBSD.org    opendarwin: mij at opendarwin.org -

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