PC program compatability

P. U. Kruppa 520023893678-0001 at t-online.de
Mon Apr 14 22:56:05 PDT 2003

On Mon, 14 Apr 2003, richard Karl wrote:

> 1.Can freeBSD access windows "my documents" , and use or
> replace "office pro"? 2. Do you have a list of common functions
> or programs in win98 that would not be replaceable?
Depends on what you mean by "common functions".
Instead of MS-Office you can use OpenOffice (www.openoffice.org),
instead of Internet-Explorer and Outlook take Mozilla
These applications are also available (and absolutely free) for
Printer Setup can be done with apsfilter for most common
Are you using USB connected hardware (scanner, digi-cam)?
There might be problems with that. You would have to check it.

> 3. Is there a documet available to educate the current windows
> user about what challenges to expect?
See www.freebsd.org --> handbook .
Many documentations on diverse topics are available via internet
(Google search!).
And of course people on this list are friendly and helpful.

I would recommend a dual-boot installation (Win98 and FreeBSD),
so you can fall back to Windows whenever you feel you might need
some more time to work things out properly.

> 4. I am primarily
> intersted in a more stable OS with a built-in firewall.
You are welcome.


>         Thank you.      Sincerely, Ivan
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|        Peter Ulrich Kruppa        |
|          -  Wuppertal -           |
|              Germany              |

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