Basic SSH question

=?unknown-8bit?Q?S=EAr=EAciya_Kurdistan=EE?= sereciya at
Sun Apr 13 13:20:33 PDT 2003


> I have a ssh server here at the house. I'm using the default sshd that
> came with BSD. In the ports collection I noticed OpenSSH 3.5. Whats the
> difference between the one I'm using and the ports one?

  Typicaly, the ports version is newer, ie current.  The default will
  almost always be an older and more stable version.

| Welat xwe ava nake, dest bidin hevdu, pist nedin tu dijminî  |
|   Riya azadiyê ne hêsan e, hêviya xwe bernedin, dema me      |
|     nêzîk e.                                                 |
|                                                              |
| Hevaltî bi kesên du rû nekin, hevaltî bi hevdu ra bikin      |
|   Ne ji hevaltiya wan kesên pêxwas û rû dirêj, ne bi wan     |
|     kesên xwînperest, ne jî ji yên din.                      |
|                                                              |
|                                   -$êrêciya Kurdistanî       |
  translation provided on request: sereciya at

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