XFree4.3 and Freetype

dick hoogendijk dick at nagual.st
Sun Apr 13 04:16:13 PDT 2003

After a portupgrade -rR XFree-4 things seem to work ok, except for an
error from freetype about my TTF directory. It always worked, but now my
fonts.dir and some other def files don't seem to be OK. Anybody know
what has happened here. Does the "new" freetype need reconfiguration of
my ttf fonts? What do I do about this?
System: fbsd-4.8R w/ XFree.4.3.0_1 (from ports)

dick -- http://www.nagual.st/ -- PGP/GnuPG key: F86289CE
++ Running FreeBSD 4.7 ++ Debian GNU/Linux (Woody)

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