Importing a foreign passwd file to FreeBSD

Paul Hoffman phoffman at
Fri Apr 11 16:23:22 PDT 2003

At 1:54 PM -0400 4/11/03, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
>Paul Hoffman <phoffman at> writes:
>>  Hi again. I'm setting up a new FreeBSD system to replace an old NetBSD
>>  one. I want to import all the users and their passwords. As an
>>  experiment on a test box, I tried importing the master.passwd and
>>  passwd file from the NetBSD box, that FreeBSD won't let me log in; I
>>  always get "Login incorrect". Nothing is logged in /var/log/anything,
>>  so I don't know why the login attempts are failing. The users' home
>>  directories are created, and they're in proper groups.
>>  Is this possible to do?
>Sure.  I don't think there are any inter-platform issues, assuming
>FreeBSD can handle whatever password format you were using on NetBSD.
>I think you just forgot to build the password database.  See the man
>pages for vipw(8) and pwd_mkdb(8).

It was the pdw_mkdb. I thought vipw was supposed to run it, but it 
didn't. Doing it manually as 'pwd_mkdb /etc/master.passwd' (using the 
imported master.passwd) worked fine. Thanks!

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