sysinstall and xscreensaver

Lowell Gilbert freebsd-questions-local at
Tue Apr 8 13:34:04 PDT 2003

Shane Helms <shanehelms at> writes:

> 1. you can use sysinstall to do post-installation configurations of
> system.
> does sysinstall have any logging mechanism or something which shows what
> its doing, which files it has modified, etc ?


> 2. I can't find xscreensaver on x server of freebsd, whats the
> equivalent ?

The closest equivalent is xscreensaver.  It isn't part of the XFree86,
but it's available from the ports and packages in FreeBSD.

>              and whats the best way to lock X server ?

That's a different question.  A locked, private room is definitely the
method of choice.  Against a determined adversary, xlockmore is
probably (?) a bit more secure than xscreensaver, but if in doubt, log
out and then log in again later.

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