USB Printer

Warren Block wblock at
Mon Apr 7 16:39:27 PDT 2003

On Mon, 7 Apr 2003, Konrad Scorciapino wrote:

> > could you please post to the list the steps you took to get it working?
> > Or barring that just e-mail them directly to me?
> konrad at localhost /home/konrad # enscript -p /etc/motd | gs -q -dNOPAUSE

Look out!  That's the bad version of the command, where it will wipe out
/etc/motd because you are telling enscript to print *into* that file.
Of course, if you correct the command to "enscript -p- /etc/motd" and
try it again without putting something in the now-blank /etc/motd, you
will be printing an empty file.

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA

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